Two strong blasts have shocked Durres and Kavaja today. Citizens have
perceived the as explosions, and the authorities have immediately
started searching the land and sea.
Several citizens from Kavaja have reported seeing three airplanes that were flying very fast. The sonic boom happens when an object flies faster than the sound barrier, and it is similar to an explosion.
These citizen reports have engaged police forces for verifications. The Kavaja police declared that it was a result of an emergency situation created in our air space.
The Minister of Defense gave an official version about this.
“A commercial Boeing that was traveling from an European capital towards the African continent lost its contacts with the central towers. Based on the international agreements with Albania, the NATO neighbors used their F16-s to escort the airplane in question for 10 minutes. These airplanes have created a sonic boom that was perceived by citizens as an explosion. We guarantee that this is a procedure that was followed with high responsibility from the Albanian and NATO authorities”, the Ministry says.
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