Exploitation of women and children

09/05/2012 00:00

Around 2.45 million women and children are victims of traffic throughout the world, where 40% to 50% of them are children.

The regional report for sexual children traffic showed that this criminal activity is one of the three biggest sources for traffic.

The expert that participated in the creation of this report, Dirk Rombuist, declared that the report showed that the children who are exploited for begging and who derived from poor families, fall prey of sexual exploitation. In Albania there were 39 children of this category by 2011.

“More efforts are needed for realizing joint investigations beyond the borders. In Albania there were 39 trafficked children in 2011, for whom six criminal trials have been opened. There is a concerning problem that the children who become prey of abuses are leased to be used for begging, and most of them are unregistered. In Albania there were 7000 unregistered children until some years ago, while today there are a few hundreds. Begging on the streets directly affects sexual exploitation”, Rombiust declared.

The Interior Minister, Bujar Nishani, declared that they are working for stronger measures.

“When the coordination and cooperation rises to a regional level, the work in the agencies achieves a much better result”, Nishani declared.

The PNUD representatives, Zinep Tuomi, declared that the traffic cannot be resolved in isolation, and for this is required a full cooperation, because it is happening in poor countries with social problems.

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