Experts see arrival of Chinese investors as development, but more controll is needed

07/05/2016 00:00

Experts say that the higher number of Chinese investments in Albania is
related to the changes in the global economy, especially with the lower
interest rates in the financial markets.

“Important investors in the Far East and China have high reserves of liquidity. If these deposts used to be invested in bonds of the US government or other shares, now the Chinese companies want to own companies which produce”, said Ardian Hackaj, Director of the Institution for Cooperation and Development.

For Ilia Kristo, the arrival of Chinese capital is a development that is welcome for the economy.

“This is good news, but it would be even better if Albania was clear about the responsibilities it undertakes, and how certain Albania is that these commitments will be carried out with direct investments”, says Ilia Kristo, Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Economy.

According to experts, Albania must be more careful with foreign investments, to avoid negative experiences of the past.

“Even if we sell the remaining few assets that have remained, the problem is that investors want evidence about how much exports it can generate, how many jobs they can create, what value they add, how the environment is not polluted, etc”, Kristo said.

“We need to be carefull and see if these companies are based in China or Hong Kong. There are still transfers that are made in offshore areas”, Hackaj said.

The Chinese companies have bought recently two of the biggest concessions in the country, the Rinas airport and the Patos Marinza resource.

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