EXCLUSIVE/DP excludes international partners from “Vetting Commission”

13/07/2016 00:00

Top Channel has secured  the newest proposition sent from the Democratic
Party as an answer to the one brought by the US Assistant State
Secretary, Victoria Nuland.

The DP wants international partners out of the commission that will monitor the vetting of future judges and prosecutors. Their proposition is against the one offered by the international partners.

The DP gives international partners a monitoring role will full access to documents, but without decision-making powers, as they had proposed.

“This would turn the international monitoring operation into an institution that goes above the sovereignty, and without democratic responsibilities”.

The opposition says that the Vetting Commission members should be appointed by a commission made of 12 political members from Albanian parties, divided in an equal number, six from each side, and excludes the role of international partners.

EKSKLUZIVE: PD-ja përjashton vetingun

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