On March 23rd, the Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, has received a
letter from the vice chairman of the CDU-CSU Parliamentary Group leader
at the German Parliament, Franz Josef Jung, also Chief of Foreign
Policy for the CDU, and also Defense Minister of Germany.
In this letter, also obtained by Top Channel, the CDU-CSU high-level official writes that he was part of the work-group put together for Western Balkan, which was held on March 21st. In this meeting he expressed to the Democratic Party leader their deep concern regarding the recent developments in Albania.
“After the strong commitment of my Parliamentary Group for the judiciary reform in your country, and after this reform was voted by your Parliamentary Group on July 21st, we are not happy to see that such an important reform, wanted by 90% of Albanians, is not being implemented due to the Democratic Party boycott”, says Franz Josef Jung in his letter.
The vice Chairman of the CDU-CSU Parliamentary group says they are very concerned about possible vote purchases on June 18th, or other elections, but boycott and the request for a technical government are a wrong path.
“We think that this problem cannot be resolved through parliamentary boycott and by declaring to not register for the June 18th elections, if the Albanian government is not resigned and replaced by a technical one”, says the German official in his letter.
Franz Josef Jung warned there could be severe consequences for the Democratic Party and also for the country. “If reforms are delayed and if the elections are boycotted by the opposition, Albania would regress with its European integration path. This would also damage the relations between the Democratic Party and the CDU-CSU. This is not in our interest”, Jung says on his letter.
The high-level German official uses an ultimatum tone by saying that there are other ways to reduce the risk of unfair elections.
On behalf of the most important Parliamentary Group in Germany, and as one of the European Popular Parties, Jung addresses this urgent appeal to the Democratic Party leader:
“Our appeal is to end the Parliamentary boycott, take active role with the implementation of the judiciary reform, register for national elections without the above-mentioned pre-conditions”, Jung said.
The German right wing says they are ready to help the Albanian right wing with everything they can, in order to build bridges and make everything possible to guarantee free and fair elections.
The vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Group for the CDU-CSU also writes that to guarantee this, they need to progress with the decriminalization process and the fight against cannabis cultivation. Of course, he writes, there are other ways to do this.
“It is important to find a way that is acceptable for all, so that this complicated situation comes to an end”, Jung says.
The CDU-CSU asked the Democratic Party leader to notify them as soon as possible, so that they can offer their help.
This letter arrived to the Democratic Party leader one month after the opposition boycotted the Parliament and decided to not continue the implementation of the judiciary reform, unless the government resigns and gets replaced by a technical government.
While Basha says there will be no boycott, the Democratic Party is not yet registered for the June 18th elections.
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