European Commission: There cannot be two results

20/05/2011 15:00

The European Commission is still keeping its eyes on the Central
Election Commission. Natasha Butler, Spokesperson for EU
Commissioner Fule declared that CEC must act by fully respecting law and transparency with total independence from political pressures and that
there cannot be two results for May 8th local elections in Tirana.

This is the declaration of Natasha Butler, when asked if the cancellation of Barroso’s visit meant that EU was distancing itself from Albania’s situation.

“First, let me clarify that there has been no lacking of commitment regarding Albania. On the contrary, the European Commission, Commissioner Fule and President Barroso are closely observing the situation since May 8th Election Day. As we have frequently repeated, and as Commissioner Stefan Fule said in Parliament some months ago, the 12 key recommendations of last year’s Opinion for Albania, international and EU standards of the Election Process are things that can be fulfilled only by Albania. For the EU standards, it is very essential that Central Election Commission finishes its role within legal frame and with transparency. We have set our eyes on the process transparency. The role of CEC is that of an independent institution. They have a key role for this, and that’s why we are closely watching it. It is important for this process to continue absolutely free of political interferences. You know that there cannot be two different results for these elections, that is why the result must be announced without any further delay. We are following it very closely, day after day, hour after hour”, Butler declared.

Natasha Butler clarified the stance of European Council that Serbia will enter EU with condition of recognizing Kosovo’s independence. After difficult visits in Balkan, the cancellation of his visit in Tirana and his declarations being misinterpreted by Serbian media while visiting Belgrade, the President of European Commission is now in Kosovo, promising European perspectives for the country whose independence has not been recognized yet by five EU countries.

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