European Commisison recommends opening the EU negotiations with Albania

29/05/2019 16:21

The European Commisison recommended the opening of the EU accession negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia, without conditions.

Albania has made progress and has proven its readiness to progress with the Eu agenda. They have produced tangible and stable results, especially as regards the conclusions of the Council of the last year.

Commissioner Johannes Hahn underlined that the EU must keep its promise and give a clear positive response to the countries that fulfill their obligations.

The recommendation:

Albania has continued to make good progress and demonstrated its continuous determination to advance on the EU agenda. It has delivered tangible and sustained results, notably on the conditions set in the Council Conclusions of June 2018 for the opening of accession negotiations, in a consistently polarised political atmosphere. Opposition parties, most of which relinquished their parliamentary mandates in February 2019, should constructively re-engage in the democratic institutions and commit to a broad European consensus. Implementation of justice reform has continued consistently, resulting in good progress overall, and laying the foundations for substantially strengthening the sector and consolidating independence, impartiality, professionalism, and accountability. Concrete results have been achieved in the re-evaluation of all judges and prosecutors (vetting). Institutional restructuring of the judiciary has also continued. New bodies for the independent self-governance of the judiciary were established, triggering the subsequent formation of specialised judicial and investigative institutions to counter organised crime and corruption. Determined efforts continued in the fight against corruption and organised crime, including in the fight against drug trafficking and cultivation, contributing towards establishing a solid track record of proactive investigations, prosecutions and convictions. Consistently for the past years, Albania showed a strong commitment to counter the production and trafficking of cannabis. International police cooperation, especially with EU Member States, has also intensified, leading to a number of successful large-scale law enforcement operations and the arrest and prosecution of organised criminal network leaders. The establishment of a solid track record of proactive investigations, prosecutions and convictions in the fight against corruption at all levels, and in the fight against organised crime, remains a long-term challenge that continues to require further reinforced and consistent efforts by Albania, including operational cooperation with EU Member States.

Furthermore, reform of the public administration continued, with the overall objectives of enhancing professionalism and transparency in recruitment procedures for the civil service, as well as strengthening policy-making by consolidating sector-coordination structures and establishing the regulatory framework for impact assessment. Measures to reinforce the effective protection of human rights, including of persons belonging to minorities and of Roma, and anti-discrimination policies, were further pursued. Economic growth increased further from 3.8% in 2017 to 4.2% in 2018 and unemployment and budget deficit decreased although remaining high. Lack of productive know-how, low education levels and technology transfers hinder its competitiveness and integration into international value chains.

In light of the significant progress achieved and the conditions set unanimously by the Council in June 2018 having been met, the Commission recommends that the Council now opens accession negotiations with Albania. To support the continued reform momentum, the Commission would apply a reinforced approach for the negotiating chapters on judiciary and fundamental rights and justice, freedom and security to the country. Albania needs to continue building solid track records in the fight against corruption at all levels and in the fight against organised crime. A stronger national consensus on the overriding priority of EU integration, overcoming the current polarisation and demonstrating political will across party divides, is also necessary to sustain and consolidate the progress made by the country

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