Experts ask the Bank of Albania to intervene and not allow a quick devaluation of Euro.
“The Bank could calibrate the devaluation without damaging the market, by simply avoiding the excess created in the market”, said Elvin Meak, financial expert.
Euro is 4.9% cheaper than ALL, compared to early this year. The cause of this devaluation has spurred debates among experts.
“We must not leave out of the question the informal part, which has a significant weight in this devaluation. There are a series of other elements, including the increase of foreign tourists”, one expert says.
But these fluctuations leave consequences in the economy. Some earn more, some lose more.
“Albanians have not seen lower prices, which means that importers were the ones who pocketed the difference. The only ones who suffer are exporters”, says Elvin Meka.
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