The European Union ambassador to Tirana, Ettore Sequi, reminded the
Albanian authorities that the situation of the Roma community will
affect the progress report of the European Commission on October, so the
authorities should be careful, since this is one of the priorities for
the candidate status.
Sequi reminded that only in Albania, since 2008, the European Union has given 3 million EUR for the Roma community, and he cannot report progress in this area.
“The European Union has been committed for the social involvement and the respecting of the human rights of the Roma and Egyptian community, with at least 3 million EUR. The situation will certainly be mentioned in the Progress report of the European Commission, and we are still in the process of writing this report”, Sequi declared.
During a meeting between the civil society; representatives of the Ministry of Labor, Social Matters and Equal Opportunities; the Prosecution and other international organization, they have discussed the current situation of the Roma people in Tirana and the sheltering of 37 families. But the representatives of the Tirana Municipality were not present in this meeting, whose duty is to find urgent sheltering of the Roma community.
“”We hope for cooperation with the Municipality, the Ministry of Labor and Social Matters, so that they can find an urgent and stable solution for the Roma communities, because this is not a good situation”, Totozani declared.
The representative of the Ministry of Equal Chances declared that they have engaged 80.000 Usd for the reconstruction of the center in Sharre, but on the other hand they mentioned the social residences built by the Tirana Municipality in Shkoze, where the Roma families should be sheltered without fulfilling the criteria.
Roma families, another night on the streets
The Roma families stayed outside for another night. Unable to find a shelter, they slept on the Tirana parks, men, women and very young children.
The only alternative that has been offered officially for these families are some army barracks in Kombinat. The Ministry says that the tender for the reconstruction is over and the works will start within a few days. But while these families can expect to benefit from this construction, other Roma families are sheltered there.
Even they have a roof over their head, they say that they live in very difficult conditions, without tap water and far from the residential areas.
More than 20 Roma families have been allowed to be sheltered in these areas, but most of them have refused.
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