EU: “Return in Parliament. Opposition’s boycott is regrettable”

10/04/2017 00:00

While Albanian parties are running out of their time to register for the
next elections, and also for establishing the Vetting Law commissions,
the EU expressed once again their firm opinion against the boycott that
is being held by the opposition.

The Spokesperson of the European Commission, Maja Kocijancic, declared that the political debate must be held in Parliament.

“We expressed our regret since when the opposition’s boycott started. We believe that the political debate cannot be held outside the Parliament. Dialogue between the government and the opposition are essential for the ambition of a country that desires to become an EU member. Certainly, the preparations for the next elections are an important part of this process, and we have followed the situation very closely. You said that today is the last deadline for registration. For us it is important to see that there are free and fair elections”, Kocijancic declared.

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