The German newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” says that the new strategy for Balkan will have a cost for the European Union.
According to the newspaper, the strategic document shows that 1.07 billion EUR will be used in Balkan only for 2018, then 600 million in 2019 and 2020.
“This money will be invested in Western Balkan for reinforcing the public administration, the rule of law, stable economy, democracy and well-governing. However, these are the areas in which the Commission sees the least progress, despite the fact that the EU has paid billions of Euros in assistance for the past years.
Tageszeitung reminds that the fight against corruption is not an easy task, and that educated youth is forced to leave Balkan for building a better life in Germany, Austria or Scandinavian country.
The journal also does not agree with the opinion that Serbia must be seen as a factor of stability in the region.
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