EU funds for Albania

27/06/2014 00:00

Most of the EU funds foreseen for Albania during 2014 will be focused on
renewing and modernizing the public service, according to Minister
Milena Harito, after meeting the Director for Balkan at the Enlargement
Directory of the European Commission, Jean Eric Paquet.

“The case in question was related to a project on the Administration reform, not only as part of the Civil Employee law, but also for making this administration more effective with the services it offers, which should be digitalized and focused on the citizens, not the office that offers service. This reform will be supported by the European Commission”, declared Milena Harito, Minister of Innovation and Administration.

Harito was part of a meeting organized by the Committee of Regions about the Adriatic-Ionnian strategy, just approved by the Council of Europe, in which Albania is coordinated with Croatia for stable tourism development.

New Customs practices
General Customs Directors discuss new World Trade Organization motto
The General Directors of Customs gathered at the World Trade Organization to discuss their best practices and exchange information, and also to discuss about the new motto of the WTO, which focuses on making easier conditions for trade, for increasing citizens’ safety and offering better standards, concepts that have been included in the new Customs law, according to the representative of Albania in this meeting, the Director of Albanian Customs, Elisa Spiropali.

“The new customs law that we presented at the Albanian Parliament and that is currently under discussion, addresses these concepts and changes the way how Customs applies its policies. We discussed the authorized economic operators and simplified procedures that are part of the new Customs code, and it was received very well b the colleagues, who have the last word. We also discussed the standards that need to be implemented in the future, mainly for further modernization and digitalization. These are two priorities of the Albanian Customs, because they enable a more effective fight against corruption and tax evasion, more transparency and better relations between business and customs administration”, declared Elisa Spiropali, General Director of Customs.

The Customs General Directors discussed about the “single customs toll gate” practice, which brings easier procedures for traders. This proposition is included in the new Customs draft-law, according to Spiropali.

Prepared by: Arta TOZAJ

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