EU Emergency for “Vetting Law”, should be voted within July

26/07/2016 00:00

The EU Delegation in Tirana has unofficially requested the passing of
the “Vetting Law” within July, in order to preserve a fund given by the

Tirana officials give no comment, and no party leader confirmed if there will be another parliamentary session within July.

Paloka from the DP and Vasili from the SP both said July 25th was the last session. After the President decreed the Constitutional Amendments, they will be published on the official bulletin after 15 days. Maybe this is why the SP Parliamentary Group leader, Ruci, said that the Parliament is always open, it can organize meeting at any hor.

The Albanian Prime Minister also said that passing the new laws is not just a matter of time, but also of votes, since the first seven laws require a 84-vote which the majority can have only with the SMI.

The DP wrote a Facebook post through which he foresees resistance from who he says gave up only after pressure from internationals and the people.

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