EU, diplomatic finesse at Sofia Summit to avoid unpleasant encounters

08/05/2018 17:09

The European Union is using diplomatic finesse to avoid unpleasant encounters at the Western Balkan Summit which will be held next week in Sofia, but countries that have not recognized Kosovo are threatening with boycott.

The constant dispute among them is casting a shadow of doubt about the May 17th meeting,  since one week earlier the signs are for a possible confrontation.

The five EU countries which refuse to recognize Kosovo (Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Cyprus) want to make their stance clear at the Sofia summit as well.

According to them, no symbol in this summit should be interpreted as if the independence of Kosovo is uncontested.

The EU is trying to soften tension with diplomacy. For this reason, in the final declaration of this meeting there will be no mentioning of the Western Balkan countries, but they will referred to as Western Balkan partners.

On the other hand, the signs marking the seats where the heads of states will sit is not going to have the names of the states they represent, but their personal names.

Through these regulations, the organizers hope the summit to not be boycotted. However, the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, declared that he will not attend the meeting.

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