EU: Croatia, member in 2013

24/06/2011 19:35

The European Summit officially declared the conclusion of the
negotiations for Croatia’s EU membership, 20 years after its

“Mrs. Prime Minister, I am happy to give the good news, on behalf of the 27 member countries, 27 heads of states and governments. Croatia will be the 28th member. In the years to come, this EU summit will be remembered as the meeting that paved the way to Croatia’s membership in the European Union”, said Herman Van Rompuy, President of EU Council.

“The political decision for Croatia’s membership has already been taken. What is good for Croatia is good for EU”, emphasized Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungaria, and the actual EU President.

“The Commission thinks that this enables the full membership on July 1st of 2013. I am looking forward to see Croatia as the 28th member of EU, I am looking forward to welcome the Croatian commissioner during the mandate of this college”, added Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.

“This is an historical moment for the Republic of Croatia and its citizens. It is all happening on the verge of the 20th anniversary of Croatia’s independence”, declared Jadranka Kosor, Prime Minister of Croatia.

The 35 negotiated chapters will be written in the 23 official languages of the union, and also in the Croatian one, because they consist in the New EU Tractate of 28 member countries.

“The next membership with Croatia brings a new momentum towards the EU vocation of Western Balkans”, said Herman Van Rompuy.

“It is very important to know that without the consolidation of these reforms, we cannot give hopes for membership”, Barroso declared.

“It is important that after a long period of hesitation, we are meeting again the moment of enlargement”, Orban declared.

But the Hungarian presidency did not have much success with the Balkan area. The other countries of the region did not make as visible progresses as Croatia in the road towards EU. Despite the many promises, Hungaria was unable to set a date for the talks of FYR of Macedonia membership. Although it was recommended repeatedly by the Commission, this status has been blocked by Greece, due to the name issue.

This was the last summit organized by the Hungarian Presidency. From July 1st, Poland will be the one to lead EU in the next six months. The end of their mandate is expected to coincide with the most important EU summit for Balkan.

The summit of December is expected to have Croatia’s signature for joining EU. The member countries, based on the Commission’s recommendations, are expected to start the talks for the membership of Macedonia, Montenegro and also Serbia, which would automatically earn the EU candidate status.

Prepared by: Arta Tozaj.

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