EU Commissioner Hahn: We’ll recommend opening the accession negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia

02/04/2019 21:11

The Foreign Commission at the European Parliament painted once again a problematic Europe. After many long discussions related to Brexit, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, spoke about the countries that need to join the Union.

Hahn gave details about the European Commission’s recommendation for Albania and Northern Macedonia: “We must see things in the long term. Our progress-report for each country of the region will be introduced to the European Commission by the end of May. Based on what we have seen so far, we will recommend that Albania and Northern Macedonia start the preliminary phase for opening the accession negotiations, and this should be done officially”, Hahn said.

Commissioner Hahn was very direct when he asked the EU Parliament to keep their promises for the Balkan countries: “I am convinced that our partners have fulfilled the criteria. The ball is in our camp now. We have to face our credibility and responsibility. When our partners fulfill the criteria for opening the accession negotiations, we must react positively”, Hahn said.

Hahn explained very clearly that if the European countries don’t give green light to the Western Balkans, other forces will be keen to fulfill their goals.

“Russia and China have their influence, together with Turkey and the Arab countries. We must not listen to our fears, since 75% of the foreign investments in those countries come from EU members”, Hahn said.

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