The letter sent to the Albanian people by the EU Commissioner for
Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, seems to have closed any negotiation between
parties, and it legitimizes June 18th as the Election Day, even without
the opposition. Hahn asked the opposition to not stop Albanians from
The sentences in this letter are very clear and leave no room for misunderstanding, after the recent negotiations failed.
Hahn said that many options were offered, with the hope that the leaders would have the responsibility to find a solution, but this wasn’t the case, and this is why the electoral process of June 18th will be held without the main parties of the opposition.
Ten days ago, Johannes Hahn from the European right wing and the EPP President, Joseph Daul, made the last efforts with the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party, to inform them that the decision to boycott the elections did not have support from Europe.
But, for the first time, a high-level official of the European Commission said that this decision was not by chance:
“It was the deliberate choice by the current opposition not to run for elections. I have to respect, but at the same time deeply regret this decision from a democratic point of view. Albanians request and deserve elections that provide a broad political offer and uphold electoral standards. However, the democratic process must continue, even if some decide to stay behind”, Hahn said.
Convinces that democracy and the democratic standards should not be blocked by boycott, the EU Enlargement Commisssioner had something to say also about the declarations of the opposition, that they will not allow the elections to be held on June 18th.
Hahn condemns appeals to derail the right of Albanian citizens to vote, and other basic rights. “These cannot be justified and are not acceptable for EU standards”, he said.
Saying that the failed elections in Kavaja are a loss for democracy, Hahn has a message for the Albanian politicians and the people:
“Let’s be clear. Leaders will be held accountable if they try to derail the legitimate aspirations of the Albanian people for a better future. The EU will follow and monitor closely the electoral process. And even more fundamentally: we will continue supporting you on the path towards EU membership”, Hahn said.
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