EU Commissioner Hahn: “Kosovo and Serbia must look forward”

16/01/2017 00:00

After Kosovo stopped a train with Serbian nationalistic slogans from
entering its territory, The The EU Commissioner for Enlargement,
Johannes Hahn, encouraged both countries to look forward and not pun in
danger what has been achieved so far with the dialogue in Brussels.

Hahn released this declaration at the Brussels meeting of EU Foreign Ministers about Syria, Lebanon and the peace process in the Middle East.

Tension were high this weekend, after Serbia reopened a railway towards Kosovo which was closed 18 years ago by NATO bombing.

Since Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, a process that Belgrade does not recognize, the tension between both countries has remained high, especially as regards the Serbian minority in northern Mitrovica.

The train which had the colors of the Serbian flag and slogans “Kosovo is Serbia” in 21 foreign languages, was stopped by Serbian authorities a few kilometers from the border with Kosovo, and was returned to Belgrade.

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