EU-Balkan summit in Berlin. The preliminary post-summit declaration obtained by Top Channel

29/04/2019 23:15

Top Channel’s journalist, Muhamed Veliu, has secured a draft of the declaration that will be published after the Summit with the Western Balkan.

The conclusions of the co-chairmen

Western Balkan leaders, together with the Prime Ministers of Slovenia, high-level representatives of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policies, gathered in Berlin in a meeting summoned by the President of France and the German Chancellor.

They reiterated the joint perspective of Western Balkan, valued the successful agreement between Greece and Northern Macedonia as an extraordinary example for a successful resolution of conflicts. They underlined the importance of a final agreement that would normalize the relations between Prishtina and Belgrade, for bringing stability in the region. This agreement is essential for the European path of Serbia and Kosovo. They agreed that this agreement should be comprehensive, politically stable and contributing to regional stability.

Serbia and Kosovo agreed to accelerate their efforts for implementing the existing agreement, and to reorganize a constructive way for normalizing the dialogue, with the intermediation of the EU, in order to reach a final agreement. The participants agreed to intensify their efforts to create a regional economic area that stays in line with the declaration of the Sophia Summit of 2018, and the conclusion of the Western Balkan Summit held in London, 2018.

All participants reconfirmed their commitment to cooperate with the Berlin Process. Connectivity, economic cooperation, free trade and reconciliation are the pillars of this process. They reaffirmed their support for the regional office of youth cooperation, RYCO, and welcomed the next summit that will be held in Ponzan, Poland.

The participants also agreed to deepen cooperation, prevent radicalization, fight terrorism, emigration and illegal arm traffic. They also underlined their firm commitment to democracy, the central role of the electoral and parliamentary institutions, to the rule of law, good governing, fight against corruption and organized crime, and to reinforce the role of the civil society and independent media. They agreed that constant reforms are key for the European perspective of the region and for reinforcing the resistance of societies as they face internal and external challenges. They reaffirmed the commitment for regional stability. With this purpose, the participants welcomed the proposition of Croatia to hold another EU-Balkan summit during their presidency in 2020.

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