A few days before the next Berlin Process meeting in Trieste, Albania’s
Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, presented the main points which four
Western Balkan countries and EU are going to focus on.
“The creation of a regional economic area and signing of the Transportation Treaty, will be two of the main achievements at the Trieste Summit. We are going to review some of the instruments available for this process”, Bushati declared.
Bushati said the concern is no longer on the projects presented by the countries of the region, but on the lack of complete funds and on the determination of the EU.
“Western Balkan leaders and even Chancellor Merkel have rightfully raised these concerns, about when we are going to place the first brick for these projects. We cannot have a race just on paper. It is now time to work together with the EU and generate financial instruments. For this we have had the participation of the German Foreign Minister, Gabriel, with the “Berlin+” project. This project helps the funding of the agreed projects, so that they can start the soonest possible. We are looking forward for the EU to be more determined as regards the implementation of these projects we have agreed on, so that people can see the real change”, Bushati said.
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