EU Ambassador, Vlahutin: “Albania has historic chance to progress faster after justice reform”

23/07/2016 00:00

The EU Ambassador to Tirana, Romana Vlahutin, was one of the main
international protagonists for making possible the justice reform. In an
interview for Deutsche Welle, Vlahutin explained what possibilities are
now open for Albania.

She describe the Constitutional amends that change 1/3rd of the current laws as all inclusive and very hard work. But thanks to this, Albania has now the chance to make things go faster.

Vlahutin said that polls showed 93% of Albanian people wanted this reform, and this number means it is something that needs to be done.

“Unfortunately, it was not understood as such and we had to spend months of negotiations for details that in other circumstances would have been normal. Trust to people is not enough in democracy. There should be trust on institutions too. And the situation here was that we didn’t have either. It is very complicated to explain this to someone, that what we are creating is the foundation of something that will be negotiated later, between Albania and the EU”, she says.

“These are the standards of the EU justice system. A fully responsible justice, fully independent and really serving to the citizens, coming from institutions and not from people. We must see now the first signs of the justice reform implementation. We encourage to implement it as soon as possible, because Albania needs time to establish the new institutions and to transform it into political will”, Vlahutin added.

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