EU advices Tirana to follow OSCE-ODIHR recommendations

11/09/2015 09:05

The EU is taking in consideration the findings of the final report of
the International Mission for the Observation of the Local Elections.
These notes are expected to be included to the annual progress report
for Albania.

Brussels notes that the report of September 8th “remarks that although the elections were held without bigger incidents, the electoral institutions have raised concerns regarding impartiality and professionalism, and there has been a general politicization of the process”.

“After analyzing the final OSCE-ODIHR document, the EU appeals the competent authorities in Albania to follow the 23 recommendations of the report”, says for Top Channel the Spokesperson for the European executive, Maja Kocijancic.

On the other hand, the European legislative foresees a special session at the Foreign Committee, to discuss the organization of local elections with the EU ambassador to Tirana, Romana Vlahutin, and the Chief of the observing mission, Audreyu Glover.

Knut Fleckenstein, Rapporteur for Albania at the European Parliament, and also Vice President of the left parliamentary group at the EP, said it is very useful that OSCE-ODIHR has given recommendations, besides making evaluations. This will strengthen the transparency and trust in the electoral process. When contacted by Top Channel, he encouraged the Albanian authorities to implement those recommendations, especially the ones coming after the last elections.

“That’s why I was happy to hear the Prime Minister expressing his good will to do this, and he had support from the opposition for this. On the other hand, the good electoral laws guarantee a good process only partially. What matters is if these laws have been implemented with loyalty”, Fleckenstein declared.

“While ODIHR gives a positive evaluation about the Election Day, the accusations about vote purchases dim the picture. The same goes for the accusations of politicizing the Central Election Commission, the lack of a proper financial report of the electoral campaign for parties, problems with the voters’ lists, predictions for an equal media coverage, and other issues”, the German Social-Democratic member declared.

“It should be a political priority for Albania to set the right conditions for more trust, professionalism and impartiality of the electoral administration. I am convinced that this will help growing the participation of voters in the next elections”, Fleckenstein concluded.

Prepared by: Arta Tozaj

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