The order of the Health Ministry for the extension of the movement time band from 5 am to 17:30, has caused ambiguity between the drivers of vehicles that are equipped with authorization or permission to circulate.
For this reason, the police responded by emphasizing the fact that business employees will be allowed to go to work, in the first band from 5 to 8 o’clock and return from work in the second band from 16 -17: 30 minutes.
Many citizens have addressed questions to the responsible institutions and also to the Prime Minister about the way the movement will be carried out.
In the streets of Tirana on Tuesday, there was an increased flow of vehicle circulation, which forced the police to intensify patrols.
But the extension of the time slots has produced more violations, as in just 24 hours 719 citizens have been fined, including those who have been caught walking or cycling, for no reason.
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