EP for nationalist declarations

12/12/2012 19:40

The European Parliament discussed in a plenary session in Strasbourg
about the Resolution of Albania. In the enlargement policy, an
exclusivity of the member countries, the Parliament’s stances are only
on an advisory level.

But the symbolic support for the status comes after the approval of the rejecting conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers.

Same as in the conclusions of the member countries, the EP resolution has an added amend for the nationalist rhetoric, mentioned by the right wing Greek European MP,  Marietta Giannakou.

“The European Parliament praises Albania for encouraging good relations with the neighbours, but we reiterate that the Balkan borders should be fully respected. We appeal all parties to refrain from any action that could cause regional tensions. EU also welcomes the government policies toward the Albanian communities in the neighbouring countries, especially to cooperate with the respective governments to resolve the problem”, Giannakou declared.

After today’s debates, the EP resolution for Albania and the additional amends are expected to be voted this Thursday noon, on the last day of the plenary session in Strasbourg.

By Ernest Bunguri

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