EP: Consensual President

27/04/2012 20:00

The European Parliament appealed the Albanian politics to elect a
consensual President. The European MPs reiterate that the dialogue and
cooperation between parties must continue for important reforms, in
order to have progress and concrete result for the 12 EU priorities.

Eduard Kukan was updated about the recent political developments by the Minister of Integration, Majlinda Bregu, while his vice, Victor Bostinaru, was updated by the Socialist MP, Taulant Balla.

The only EMP that met both parties was Libor Rucek. Top Channel’s journalist in Brussels, Arta Tozaj, interviewed Eduard Kukan, Victor Bostinaru and Libor Rucek.

TCH: Mr. Kukan, the Minister of Integration informed you about the recent progresses since your last visit of one year ago. What developments attracted your attention mostly?

Eduard Kukan:

“Most of the attention was focused on the electoral reform progress. We were informed that things were going well and that it was realistic to expect these agreements to be reached before the Presidential elections, by the end of the month or May. Dialogue and only dialogue is needed between parties for undergoing issues: the electoral reform, the Parliament voting procedure, all matters included in the 12 priorities, five of which depend from the Parliament and others are under government’s responsibility.”

Victor Bostinaru:

“We are talking about the Albanian Parliament’s duty to find an agreement for the electoral reform process, which has not happened yet, although it was promised to be completed by the end of April. The second concern is about the presidential elections. The European Parliament and the European institutions are well informed with the fact that Albania has not experienced only stalemates in the recent years, but also major political crisis. Therefore, our message is that it is a duty of both political forces to come together and find a consensual President”.

Libor Roucek, Vice President of S&D at the European Parliament:

“In both meetings we reiterated that what has been missing in the past is cooperation between the two main political parties for the key issues that are important to Albania, if the country wants to progress. I think that we are now in a key period, because there will be the electoral reform and the Presidential election. As regards the EU membership, it is important for most of the work to end within the next months, so that when the European Commission presents the report in October, this report will be able to reflect the real progress reached by Albania.

Eduard Kukan:

“It was mentioned during the discussion that it is very important for the presidential elections to be prepared in such a manner that they can be respected by everyone. Your Constitution mentions a Consensual President, and the Minister said that they are interested to have an intensive dialogue with the opposition, in order to find a person that would be widely acceptable for this post. This is what we were told in the meeting. I think that they have understood that it is really on the country’s interest to have a truly representative figure”.

TCH: How do you expect the Presidential election?

Eduard Kukan:

“I can only support what I heard, that everything must be prepared very well so that all criteria and democratic laws can be fulfilled. My expectancy is that these must be the first elections in Albania without negative consequences, as it has been the case in almost all previous elections”.

Victor Bostinaru:

“It is essential to have a President that will be able to represent unity for the nation in a time of challenges. We hope that after this will really happen, Albania will be able to have the European Commission green light for the EU candidate status, and a date for the membership negotiations.

But with the current tensions and so many disappointments, the situation is far from being realized for the moment, and as usual, it is the Albanian people who pay the price. We know very well that the President has a very important role to play, not only for the independent functionality of justice but also for the way how the Secret Services work.

And only a President that enjoys the support of all political parties and the Albanian society, a reliable President who inspires credibility and security can turn Albania on its European track.

For the Presidential elections, it is better for a country – it doesn’t matter if it is Albania, Germany or any other country – to have a President that stays above the daily political life. Ideal would be someone who is politically independent, not coming from any of the political parties.

Hence, I am giving the example of Germany, because there was a consensus between the main parties for electing Mr. Gauck. This candidate would be better for Albania, so that he can be a Head of State that enjoys the respect of all main parties and certainly, that of the public opinion.

This kind of person would positively affect the future. He would calm the potential conflicts between the main political parties, regardless which is in power for the moment and which will be in power in the future.”

TCH: One day after the meeting at the European Parliament, where Prime Minister Berisha declared that the opposition is doing its job, but after returning to Tirana, he showed another behavior on the Parliament, by mentioning January 21st. How do you judge this behavior, when we have in mind your appeals for constructive dialogue?

Eduard Kukan:

“I have seen this kind of behavior in the Albanian Parliament. You were there during the European Popular Parties meeting, when he said that his political philosophy is to respect the opposition. You saw it at the European Popular Parties meeting and I mentioned it during the meeting with the Minister of Integration that we are waiting concrete results from the 12 priorities. We are encouraging them and the information that we are receiving shows that the dialogue is continuing.

The dialogue that we have asked is important, and if you receive information that the dialogue is continuing, then we expect results. Everything will be measured by concrete things that can be achieved. This is the main evaluation that we will do. You are asking me about PM Berisha’s declaration, which is very difficult for me to comment”.

Victor Bostinaru:

“Together with some other colleagues, I have said that there is no final decision of any kind for the tragic events where four people were killed, if not executed. Those tragic events still represent a big question mark for the functionality of justice, the independence of the judicial system or the way how someone who is responsible for such a crime still stays free and not punished.  

The arrest is only the first step, but it is essential to have a court verdict, and today we are far from reaching this. It is very regretful and unacceptable, because the Prime Minister is politically responsible. He was the Prime Minister at that moment, and it is his duty to have an independent judicial system for carrying out the investigations and for giving decisions against the people who are found guilty.

This hasn’t happened until today. Secondly, through a negotiation, when everyone in Europe has turned the eyes to Tirana, for seeing if the parties have finally come together to negotiate and make this moment blossom, if not in peace, at least to find a moment of agreement and cooperation for fulfilling their duties. It is dangerous and unacceptable. It is not European.”

TCH: Did Mr. Balla inform you about the way how a High Council of Justice member was voted in Parliament?

Victor Bostinaru:

“He informed us with details on how the Parliament was involved in a new tense situation, and this happens when the secret voting is not allowed, when the majority doesn’t accept the guarantees for a secret voting. How can we trust the functionality of the democratic institutions? We are very concerned about the fact that these steps were not fulfilled until the end, and the readiness of both parties to cooperate sincerely with each other sometimes turn into a disaster that derives from the Democratic Party.”

TCH: Do you think that in Albania we can use for the President the same voting procedure as for the High Council of Justice, with electronic voting?

Libor Rucek:

“I think that it is not up to me to decide how the voting of personalities should be carried out, but it must be a secret voting. If Albania chooses the electronic system, it must guarantee that it will be impossible after the process to identity how the MPs have voted and what was their personal preference”.

TCH: Is there a concern on the way how the Parliament voted for the HCJ member, a decision that is related with three of the 12 priorities?

Eduard Kukan:

“Prime Minister Berisha and Minister Bregu repeated to us that the situation in the Albania Parliament is normal and that the opposition is participating in the voting procedures, and that there is dialogue with the majority for resolving the issues”.

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