European Parliament voted the resolution for Albania, which says that
the Council should make it an official candidate for the European Union
membership, without any further delays.
“We are sending an unanimous message to the Council: Albania deserves the candidate status. The reform agenda advanced and a new level of political maturity has reached with a quiet power rotation after the elections of June”, declared rapporteur Nikola Vuljanic.
The resolution of the European Parliament says that the Albanian parties and society should improve the spirit of dialogue and compromise. Corruption and inpunity are prevailing, and there a need for rule of law reforms and more results in the fight against organized crime, corruption in all levels, traffic of arms, drugs and human beings.
“An independent and efficient justice system, righteous and more predictable, would return the citizens’ and business’ trust to the judiciary”, declared the European Parliament Members.
The resolution asks the Albanian authorities to take care of the poor law implementation and the wide informal economy; with the social policies, employment and creating a strong public administration.
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