Environment: Cleaner water

26/07/2011 16:35

The latest water analyses in Golem and Rrashbull, made by the
Institution of Public Health, show that the micro-biological level is
within the norms.

This is the result announced by the head of the Environment Inspectorate, who added that these significant results came thanks to the filters that were installed in the areas where the sewage waters joined clean waters.

Although the situation has improved, Durres coastline waters will be totally clear only after the filters will be set in the entire sewage network.

A few days ago, the engineers of the company that was contracted for installing the filters declared that there have been pollution in the area of Perroi i Agait. According to them, two of the five filters have not functioned due to the lack of funds. And another one is also damaged, because the chemical materials had been stolen.

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