Enlargement priorities in 2013

12/12/2012 19:30

Although Brussels had no positive news for any of the Balkan countries,
enlargement is defined as a key policy in the conclusions of the EU
Foreign Ministers.

Through the positive examples of Croatia’s membership in 2013, the negotiations with Montenegro and the Candidate Status for Serbia, EU proved that they answer when the conditions are fulfilled.

Through honest and rigorous conditions, the priority for this year is the Rule of Law.

“Strengthening the rule of law and democratic governing is an essential criterion for the enlargement countries to come closer to the EU, so that they can receive the membership obligations later. The Council notes with pleasure that the new approach of the negotiations in the judicial area, the basic rights, justice, freedom and safety, will focus on the Rule of Law, war against organized crime and corruption”, the conclusions say.

A special concern for the member countries are the problems regarding the freedom of speech.

“The Council reiterates that a number of the enlargement countries have problems with the freedom of speech, such as interventions in media, which make a special concern. For this reason we invite the Commission to observe the developments closely”, the conclusions continue.

In the conclusions for the enlargement policy this year, EU guarantees to keep supporting the enlargement countries financially, and appeal for good neighbouring relationships in the region.

By Arta Tozaj

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