Official data from the Power Distribution System say that the fight
against those who steal energy is being hampered by the judiciary
system. Data show that the Distribution Operator has reported 1512 cases
of energy theft, including families and private businesses.
But the courts have given their verdicts for only 103 cases, or less than 6.8% of them. The rest is being delayed by the bureaucracies of the judiciary, from the Prosecution to Courts.
But even for the cases when the trial is over, most of the punishments are fines or probations. The Court has given prison only for 40% of the cases. This is less than 2.6% of the total reports. These figures are the main reason why the Prime Minister warned the Minsiter of Justice to not hamper the fight of those who steal energy with decisions and by giving ridiculous verdicts, but by following the law.
The Prime Minister warned yesterday that soon there will be a very wide operation throughout the territory for punishing the abusers of energy, who steal more than 150 million EUR.
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