Energy purchase suspended

09/09/2013 00:00

One day before the final deadline for handing overs the offers for
buying 1.3 million MWh of electric energy for 2014, the Energy
Regulation Entity decided to suspend the tender procedures.

The Energy Distribution Company announces that ERE, through an official letter dated September 6th 2013, has suspended the energy purchase in order to analyze the offer conditions. But when contacted by Top Channel, the new ERE leader, Shkelqim Bozgo, explained that after a detailed analysis of the issue, they reached the conclusion that for as long that the tender has a long-term effect, the current status of CEZ Distribution in the state administration is temporary, and the tender for importing energy in the next year will be suspended.

Together with this, Bozgo says that for as long that the expropriation process stands in the middle, since 24% of the shares belong to the Ministry of Economy, and 76% to the Czech owners, ERE says that it is up to the Ministry of Economy and the new government to decide for the continuation of this tender.

“Cez Distribution opened the tender procedure for purchasing 1.3 million MWh for 2014 on August 2014, sending the offer to 21 companies. The offers should appear near CEZ distribution no longer than September 10th 2013, while the winner would be elected five days after that, on September 15th. When asked about the energy purchase fund, the CEZ Company declared that they cannot give numbers, arguing that its price is variable on the market.

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