The former Minister of Finances, Ridvan Bode, asked the Competition
Authority to intervene and block the decision for increasing the
electricity price.
“Asking to increase the energy price when 60% is not paid and is stolen in the network, by saying that you decide the price because you are the regulation entity, is very wrong. You cannot stay without doing anything, since there is an authority established by the Parliament for the price”, Bode declared.
The competition law obliges the regulatory entities and the government to take the opinion of the Competition Authority before, but the law has been violated especially for passing the public assets and the sovereign rights as monopoly in private operators.
“It started with the Tirana Airport concession, continued with the Porto Romano concession, then with the vehicle technical inspection, fiscal stamps, fuel marking, scanning of containers. This will bring another cost, starting from April 1st. It continued with the national lottery and all the rest. This practice must end”, declared Erjon brace, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for Economy.
“There are two instruments. The acts should be blocked if there is no opinion from the Competition Authority. This is dictates by the competition law, sanctioned by Article 69. All local and central institutions and regulatory entities must take the opinion of the Competition Authority for acts that have an impact on the exclusive rights”, declared the Competition Authority Director, Lindita Milo.
During the presentation of the annual report, the MPs asked the Competition Authority Director to increase investigations for large markets that circulate hundreds of millions of Euros, such as fuels, energy and cell phone companies.
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