“CEZ Distribution has opened the tender procedure for the amount of
electric power that will be bought during 2014, sending the offer to 21
companies for the purchase of 1.3 millionn MWh.
The bids should be brought not later than September 10th 2013, while the winner will be selected five days after.
The Company states that they cannot say how much will the fund be, since the price can be changed in the market.
“The deadline is August 5th, but the tender procedure will open in November with the purchase of the capacities through Transmission Operating System that is needed for 2014. We are talking about 150 MW a day”, declared the CEZ administrator, Sahit Dollapi.
The company continued its mission in the Farka area, near the capital, cutting the energy to consumers who haven’t paid.
“We have cut electricity to 240 consumers today, because they haven’t paid for a long time. We have also cut the illegal connections and reported them at the Prosecution”, Dollapi declared.
CEZ has also worked for installing the new 20 KW line which, according to Mr.Dollapi, will improve the network for 8000 residents in the Tirana suburbs. Paralelisht me ndërprerjet e energjisë për debitorët apo prerjet e lidhjeve të paligjshme, “CEZ Shpërndarje” ka punuar për instalimin e linjës së re 20 KV që, sipas zotit Dollapi, do të përmirësojë furnizimin me energji elektrike për 8 mije banorë nga Uzina Traktor në dalje të Tiranës. / Top Channel
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