Energy Distribution returns facilitating scheme for families

08/05/2012 00:00

The Albanian government returned the facilitating scheme for family
consumers who have accumulated debts. The scheme foresees an agreement
to pay with the debt with a monthly 2500 ALL installment.

Families under social welfare will be excluded. They will be asked to pay not less than 1000 ALL. Families who want to pay the entire debt will have the delay fee reduced at 80%.

“200.000 citizens who have accumulated debts and have not been able to make use of the scheme until March 31st, will be allowed to do so until July 15th”, declared Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Energy and Industry.

The head of the Energy Distribution says that the debt for these 200.000 consumers mounts to a total of 39 billion ALL. As for the 300.000 agreements signed in March, Cela says that less than 5000 consumers have been excluded from the scheme for not paying in time.

The government is also implementing a scheme for businesses, who have signed 6000 agreements since March 1st. The total number of debtors mounts up to 60.000 businesses.

The increased liquidity in the system has helped reducing debts from 6.5 billion ALL to 2 billion. After two months, according to Cefa, they will start installing smart meters.

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