Electronic voting is impossible, SSA: “ID cards don’t have the necessary data”

17/12/2016 00:00

Albania will not be able to apply electronic voting for the elections of
2017, even if political parties find an agreement between each other.

A confidential report of the Supreme State Audit says they have found identity cards produced by the “Aleat” company that don’t have enough data to identify voters electronically.

The report says that the same reasons that made it impossible for the electronic voting to be realized in Tirana and Fier, make it impossible to realize throughout the country.

The SSA says that the failed electronic voting in Fier and Tirana brought a 25 million EUR damage to Albania. But the real damage might be even bigger, since the ID cards produced by Aleat might make the process impossible throughout the entire country, although Albanians have paid 150 million EUR for the passport concession, and they keep on paying.

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