Electronic voting and ballot count, conditions of small parties for 2017 elections

12/01/2017 00:00

Small opposition parties updated the EU Ambassador, Romana Vlahutin, with their stances for the elections.

“As an opposition, we presented the statement that with this government you cannot go on elections. I told it to the Ambassador. The election manipulation cost is much bigger than the financial cost that is needed to realize the electronic voting”, said the leader of the Republican Party, Fatmir Mediu.

Vlahutin met with all small parliamentary parties which are not against using technology for the elections, but the Party of Justice, Integration and Unity insisted that the process needs to be depoliticized.

“Either we are all part of the electoral infrastructure, or the system must go to another stane. The history of the system with two main parties, same as the Stalinist system, when they were counting ballots and giving unwanted results”, declared MP Mesila Doda.

Mimoza Hafizi from the Libra Party said that the main request they accept is to have electronic voting for the next elections.

The EU has decided to organize a meeting with expert in order to answer if electronic voting can be realized, a condition that the opposition sees as not negotiable.

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