Friday was supposed to be dedicated to changes to the electoral system but the Democrats unexpectedly demanded a postponement of the political table for Monday.
DP head Lulzim Basha chose to make public the party’s proposals for system reform at a meeting with youth and intellectuals, before discussing it at the political table.
He mentioned the establishment of a 40 members Senate chamber, who are elected along the 100 members of Parliament. “Many countries have two chambers of parliament, USA, United Kingdom, France and Italy. It’s time we do it as well. Until Albania becomes a member of the EU, 100 days before the elections we will have a caretaker government to manage the process, to guarantee the implementation of laws and a free vote, ” Basha said.
Unlike the ‘big ones’, the “new” parliamentary opposition was prepared to make public its proposals for the system, offering four options: 1- National proportional system similar with Kosova’s model, with a single constituency and 100 to 140 deputies; 2- Regional proportional system corrected by national list; 3-Regional proportional system grouped into four regions, 4-A majority system corrected by national proportional list.
The proposals of the new opposition join at one point, that of the open lists, while the boldest seems to be the option to change the current regional proportional system with 12 constituencies, to a system of four electoral districts.
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