Electoral College to review SP appeal on July 6th

30/06/2011 13:30

The Socialist Party filed at the Electoral College their latest appeal
against the result that was announced by the Central Election Commission for the
elections of Tirana’s new Mayor. The request has two objects: opposing
CEC decision no. 1158 and announcing as invalid the Elections in 284
voting centers.(UPDATE)

The appeal was filed after the Central Election Commission refused to review it, arguing that the competences for giving such a judgment belonged to the Electoral College. As for the invalidity of the elections, CEC argued that the deadline for making such a request had expired.

The Electoral College cast the lots today and chose Judge Astrit Kalaja to lead the judge panel for this case. Part of this panel will be Judge Sashenka  Jonuzi, who together with Judge Kalaja was present in the two previous sessions that were held on June 3rd and 13th. Other members of this panel will be: judge Petraq Dhimitri, who was present in the session of June 3rd; Marie Qiriazi and Dhurata Haveri, who were present in the session of June 13th.

The session will be held this Wednesday, July 6th, at 10:00. If the Electoral College will accept the appeal, the voting process will be repeated in 284 voting centers of the Tirana Municipality. If the College will reject the appeal of the Socialist Party, the summary table of the Central Election Commission will remain valid and Lulzim Basha will be the winner of these elections, with 93 votes ahead.

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