Today as well there was no consensus from the political parties after the meeting of the Law Commission, and in the end the parliamentary opposition decided to leave.
An hour into the meeting, MP Ralf Gjoni asked to take a short break so that the parties could discuss with each other. But after the break the opposition decided to not continue any further.
Rudina Hajdari from DP’s new parliamentary opposition said that the session was boycotted because there was no will from the majority for the opening 100% of the electoral lists.
“We decided to boycott today’s session because we do not see a positive will from the majority to implement the major reform for which we enjoy the support of the majority of Albanians today, i.e. the real opening 100% of the electoral lists. If the majority will continue on this path, coming up with drafts which do not aim at opening the lists but to deceive the Albanians, we will not become part of this ugly game, let them do it themselves.
“I know that many citizens are probably tired of this debate, and this is probably the purpose of the old political caste, to tire up the citizens and then do what they have always done, to lie. We need to restore democracy to this country as a means to increase prosperity and develop the economy. We will not give up “, stated Hajdari.
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