Althogh the results have not been declared officially, the votes so far have shown who the winners are.
What is immediately noted is that many rectors who are not allowed to run for another mandate, have been elected as deans, or vice versa. Those who used to be deans, today have turned rectors.
The Tirana University will be led by the former Dean of the Faculty of Natural Science, Mynyr koni. The former Rector, Dhori Kule, is now Dean of the Faculty of Economy, a post he used to have before becoming rector.
The Medicine University will be led by Rector Arben Gjata, who used hodl this post as rector. The Dean of the Medicine Faculty is the former Dean, Xhelal Dracini.
The elections for the Dean of the Medicine Faculty have been postponed. Tatiana Nurka, who ran alone and needed to receive 50%+1 vote, did not achieve this majority. For this reason, the voting will be held after two weeks.
Prof.Andrea Maliqari has been elected rector of the Polytechnic University. He used to be Dean of the Construction Engineering Faculty. Former Rector, Jorgaq Kacani, was elected Dean of the Mechanic Engineering Faculty.
The Rector of the University of Arts will be Kastriot Caushi, former Dean of the Scenic Faculty. Former Rector, Petrit Malaj, is now Dean of this faculty.
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