Elections, Democrats announce slogan

28/03/2011 13:40

Democrats put their dilemmas to an end about May 8th local elections slogan.

During a parliamentary meeting, Prime Minister Sali Berisha announced the slogan that according to him earned wider approval and goes perfectly in line with the Democratic Party’s electoral program.

“This slogan comes right from our program’s heart, from the citizen’s heart, for the citizen and with the citizen. The slogan will be ‘You above all’, or ‘You come first’, which is almost the definitive decision”, Berisha declared.

With the campaign song not yet selected, the Prime Minister confirmed that his preferred song couldn’t find the electoral staff’s approval. Right after that he didn’t spare any irony against Socialist leader Edi Rama, who runs for the fourth consequent mandate of Tirana’s municipality.

“I selected my preferred songs of my youth, but the staff didn’t accept and told me that if we use “Eye of the Tiger”, our rival would start running scared, and this is not our intention”, Berisha declared.

As for the local election challenge of Tirana’s City Hall, Berisha promised full support to all the projects presented by majority’s candidate, Lulëzim Basha.

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