Education Minister in Parliament: “Law had support of foreign experts”

17/09/2015 11:35

The Albanian Parliament discussed this Thursday the law for higher education, returned by the President.

Minister Lindita Nikolla declared that the law guaranteed the autonomy of universities and it has found support from foreign experts.

“We must reject the Presidential decree and defend the law that had the support of interest groups, which have been consulted as never before. The law also had support from foreign expertise. The European Commission would not tolerate a law that violates the academic freedom”, Nikolla declared.

The Democratic Party MP, Luciano Boci, criticized the university fees, and added that the law will allow the government to control the entire education system.

“The state avoids the role as regulator and turns into an enforcer. The model seems paradoxal, a mixture of the principles extra-Bologne”, Boci declared.

He noted that the budget for universities will be distributed through different agencies, and this makes a vertical intervention in the system.

MP Musa Ulqini answered to these claims by saying that the fees in the education system have been there for years and that the GDP percentage for the education cannot be decided.

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