With 9 votes in favor, 7 against and 1 abstention, the Commission for Media and Education has approved the special bill for medical students, forcing them to work at least 5 years in Albania, before being awarded their diploma to look for work in other countries.
The students openly opposed the adoption of the draft law that blocks the diplomas, listing articles of the constitution and arguing that this draft law violates human freedoms and rights. They described this method as dictatorial, which according to them has ‘turned the health system into a prison’.
“Are those who drafted the law specialists? If the drafters of the law encountered objections with the materials that they brought to us in the beginning, if they were specialists, they would have at least brought transparency to the documents. They would have brought facts on which they were based the claims about the costs, on these fees, which they violated”, said a representative of the medical students in the Education Commission.
The representative went on to say: “We are here today, we have shown, item by item, where our rights are violated in this draft law. If the drafters were so specialist, we would not have come up with 4 pages with so many articles that show how discriminatory and unconstitutional the decision is. It is a short-term and experimental policy, where we are treated so badly, not only as doctors, but it also treats Albanian patients as guinea pigs, the Albanians themselves who will turn to the medical system”.
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