“Economist”: Political rotation in 2013

12/09/2012 19:50

Economist, the prestigious British magazine predicts a political
rotation during 2013. The recent study published by “The Economist
Intelligence Unit” has given a detailed panorama of the economic and
political developments in Albania, saying that the main cause for the
power change will be the economic crisis.

“After two electoral losses, the Socialists have more chances to take power, especially after the current economic decline that is breaking down the popularity of the government”, the study says.

Albania is trying to become an EU member, but the Economic Intelligent Unit believes that there are small chances to achieve the status only by the end of 2013, if the fulfillment of the requested reforms will be accelerated.

At this point, the Economist mentions the election of the President without the support of both parties, different from what the European Union had demanded.

The passing of the Electoral Code with consensus by the Democratic and Socialist Parties fulfills one of the conditions set by the EU for the status, according to the study.

Another case that is underlined, is corruption, The magazine says that war against corruption, promoted by the PM as a priority of his governments, leaves room to many critics especially after the suspension of the “Meta” case.

Many high rank officials are accused of corruption, says The Economist, adding that the lack of these cases made the DP and SP take an initiative for limiting the immunity of politicians and judges through Constitutional Changes, but that might not be approved due to the lack of trust between the parties.

The elections will be seen as another big problem in our country. “The elections of 2009 and 2011 showed that Albania is still unable to hold free elections and according to the international standards”, the study says.

Economist Intelligence Unit has been a resource of information for 60 years about the business developments, the economic and political trends, the behavior of governments and corporates throughout the world.

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