Earth Day, actions in many areas

21/04/2012 00:00

April 22nd is the day when everyone stops and reflects how they have
behaved with earth. It is a day that helps increasing the alarm for the
damages that humanity causes to forests, rivers, land and other natural

Even in Albania, where the environment is suffering more than anywhere else, it is already a tradition to use April 22nd as a reflection and awareness day for stopping its further destruction.

The Pedestrian Street in Tirana will be sued for raising awareness on this matter, with the support of the US and Austrian Embassies, the Tirana Municipality, the Eden Center and other environmental organizations that will turn it into a big environmental fair.

“The activity will be held at the Pedestrian Street, and we invite all citizens to participate. It will be a big fair, where will be displayed all environmental initiatives that have been undertaken in Albania, also followed by a rock concert”, declared Ermelinda Mahmutaj, director of Eden Center.

The Albanian Volunteer Corpus, the biggest volunteer movement in Albania, will undertake several actions in many cities of the country.

“Besides our presence at the fair, the Corpus volunteers will help with their activities at the Lalez Bay, in tourist and non tourist areas. We will make activities in Shen Gerjgja nd Llixha of Elbasan. There will be 500 volunteers from the Corpus, who are answering each year more to the initiative to become citizens and not allow pollution. I invite everyone to join the Corpus for a cleaner environment”, declared Dorina Bilbili, from the Volunteers Corpus.

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