The Anti-Doping Commission in Albania is dysfunctional. The news is
confirmed by a member of this commission, Dr.Lluka Heqimi, who declared
that this Commission is a tool of the Ministry of Sports.
“The national Anti-Doping Commission is a game in the hands of the Ministry. It is an institution that we have, but we’re more inspected by the foreigners than by ourselves. This commission has made inspections, but we don’t know to whom. I am a member of this Commission and I don’t know who of the athletes have been selected, although they had to be selected by the Commission. We must use some kind of secrecy that these inspections need. This has never happened, as far as I know, although I am one of the oldest members of the Commission”, Heqimi declared.
Dr. Heqimi says that the sport federations are the ones to blame, not only with this case, but also with the weightlifting case, which has allowed absurd things that don’t happen in any country.
“If we will have sportsmen who make their training in Greece, USA or any other country, we cannot know the problem. The weightlifting aims to achieve glory and the award that has been given. I think that this is another point to be discussed too, because the reward is one of the causes, if not the main, that makes our sportsmen take doping”, he added.
Heqimi also offered a solution for improving the situation.
“The problem can be prevented by having a better recognition of the works, by creating the training centers and by improving the sportive medicine. We must make everyone aware of what doping is and rely on our forces”, Lluka Heqimi declared, member of th Anti-doping Commission.
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