Dvorani USSD appreciation; Presidency responds to Rama: You scoundrel, your Rama-reform dies on April 25!

23/02/2021 20:04

Albanian Presidency has reacted harshly today after the message of Prime Minister Edi Rama for the former head of JAC, Ardian Dvorani, who was lauded by the US State Department as one of the 12 champions in the fight against corruption.

In an article on social networks, the President’s spokesman has described the Prime Minister as a “scoundrel”, adding that his “Rama-reform will die on April 25 with 3 million slaps and kicks of Albanians”, he said referring to the justice reform and the upcoming general elections of April 25th.

Full post: “You scoundrel, your Rama-reform will die on April 25, by the 3 million slaps and kicks of the Albanians, against you, the oligarchs and the diplomats corrupt to the core. ALBANIA FIRST AND INVINCIBLE! ”.

President Ilir Meta also reacted by publishing a photo with some of his supporters. “April 25 – Albania of the Albanians and NEVER of the oligarchs and of the international mafia”, writes Meta.

Ilir Meta’s conflict with Ardian Dvorani was so strong that it ended with a report to the SPAK special prosecutor’s office by the president, due to clashes over the fulfillment of the quorum of the Constitutional Court. DASH’s assessment comes as a “slap” for Meta, as Dvorani was the only judge who spoke out against Meta in the scandalous corruption process of the video-tapping of his former official, the late Dritan Prifti.

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