Dutchman living in Tirana: “Dutch people don’t know Albania. MPs who voted visa ban should come visit”

13/05/2019 17:58

Mr. Ernst has moved from the Netherlands to Albania almost one year and a half ago, when his wife had to move to the country with her job.

When he told his Dutch friends that he was moving to Albania, they’d be surprised, because the information they have had makes them think that Albania is a dangerous country.

“It is not that the Netherlands don’t like Albania, but people there don’t know anything about it. There has been a bad image, and that’s what I was thinking as well before I moved here. But I changed opinion very quickly. Although politics is a huge problem here, this is a great country, with beautifu nature and sociable people”, said Ernst Roessingh.

When he goes back to his country he gives his positive impressions about Albania. He sees hope among the younger Albanians. He thinks that Netherlands’ decision to demand the visa back is wrong, and invites Dutch politicians to visit the country.


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