Duka: “Serbia comes for football, not war”

05/10/2015 20:05

This is one of the most important weeks of the Albanian football. For
the first time, our national team has a good chance to quality for the
European Championship. This fate will be decided in the matches with
Serbia on Thursday and Armenia on Sunday.

The President of the Albanian Football Federation, Armand Duka, says that we all criticized what happened in Belgrade, and the biggest mistake would be to consider the football pitch as a revenge arena. Footballers are peace missionaries and should be received as such, according to Duka.

However, authorities are taking extreme measures, which is shifting attention away from the technical aspects of the match.  Duka says that Serbia has a great team and Albanians seem to focus more on other things than on the game.

As for the declaration of the Serbian, who said he hoped Albania would not qualify, Duka said that he would never say that for any other national team, and that he hopes it was a mistake of the moment of his Serbian counterpart.

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