Drug traffic according to Italians

22/05/2014 00:00

The drug traffic from Albania to the neighboring countries has turned
into a strong political debate between the opposition and the
government. The opposition claims that the quantity that has been
trafficked after the new government came to power has been bigger than
when the Democratic Party led the country.

The Interior Ministry says that the quantity caught in the past months, compared to the same period of one year ago, is much bigger.

But what is the truth, while the parties included in this strong debate present different figures? Top Channel is bringing for the first times figures from the Italian side about the drug traffic, through the data from the Italian Interior Ministry, with detailed statistics about thte drug seized in Albania.

The first document shows the data for January-December 2013, while the second document abut the first trimester of 2014. From January 2013 to December 2013, the Italian anti-drug has caught more than 18 tons of different types, 17 tons of which were of marijuana.

Heroine 295,111 kg
Cocaine 311,610 kg
Hashish 618,198 kg
Marijuana 17,034,624 kg
Extasy 27 kg
Other types 67,495 kg
Other types in doses 857 kg
Total 18,327,036 kg

As for the first trimester of 2014, the Italian authorities have seized 5 tons of different types of narcotics

Ndërsa për tremujorin e parë të 2014-s pala italiane ka mundur të sekuestrojë mbi 5 ton lënë narkotike të llojeve të ndryshme.

Heroine 145,124 kg
Cocaine 86,677 kg
Hashish 127,929 kg
Marijuana 5,122,855 kg
Extasy 22 kg
Total 5,482,586 kg

By analyzing these figures for 2013, the Italian police seized from Albanian traffickers a total of 18.3 tons of drug. In the first trimester of 2014, the Italian police has seized 5.4 tons.

In a trimester trend, the quantity of drugs has increased with only 800 kg during 2014.

The figures are divided even within 2013. According to the Ministry of Interior, from January 1st 2013 to December 31st 2013, 18.3 tons of drugs have been seized, 17 of which are cannabis.

From January 1st to October 31st, the first 10 months of the year, 14.6 tons of drug have been seized, 13.7 of which cannabis. From November to December were seized 3.3 tons.

The average of the trend in this case does not change. The average for the first 10 months is 1.7 ton per month, while for the two remaining months, it is 1.65 tons, 50 kg less.

Janar - Dhjetor 2013

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