Drug lab suspects left in prison

17/01/2015 00:00

Some of the suspects who were arrested after police seized a drug lab in
Elbasan, appeared today in Court for their hearing session, and were
left in prison until trial.

The first measure was given by judge Liljana Baku for Ilir Hyseni, considered as the key man and leader of the criminal structure.

Then, the Court continued with two Columbian citizens involved in this traffic, Cesar Avila and Walther Moreno, who used their right to speak in front of a court without media presence.

The last one was the nephew of Albania’s former dictator, Ermal Hoxha. He was the only one who requested to be free, claiming that he was not involved in this traffic.

He said he had been simply been an acquaintance of the other suspects and had nothing to do with their network. His lawyers said for the media that Ermal Hoxha is unemployed and served as taxi driver to the defendants.

“He has driven the two Columbian citizens around and was paid by them as a taxi driver. This is no crime. I demanded that his arrest was considered illegal. We will request our legal rights in all judiciary levels. It is not true that Ermal Hoxha has driven around Albania with a Ferrari. He is unemployed and lives in a rented house”, declared lawyer Esat Haderaj.

The five other defendants of this criminal organization will appear in court next Sunday.

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